Punk's gone soft. It just ain't what it used to be. So we're doing something about it. Three old-school angry individuals are fighting back against the bland, the trivial, the unjust and the down-right frustrating, and we're addressing the wrongs in today's society. It needed saying. Stand up. Not one step back. Order #227.
Check out more Order#227 stuff on Bandcamp
You can download the tracks free, but Order#227 believe in working to make our world a better place. Please consider donating to one of the following charities.
Mind: http://www.mind.org.uk
Shelter http://www.shelter.org.uk
Refuge http://www.refuge.org.uk
Women's Aid https://www.womensaid.org.uk
Catalogue Number RGR024
Released February 2017
All songs recorded and mixed by Geezer at Warehouse Studios, December 2016
Catalogue Number RGR023
Released March 2016
All songs recorded and mixed by German Boy
Recorded at Warehouse Studios, 26th February 2016